The locating-chromatic number and partition dimension of fibonacene graphs

Ratih Suryaningsih, Edy Tri Baskoro


Fibonacenes are unbranched catacondensed benzenoid hydrocarbons in which all the non-terminal hexagons are angularly annelated. A hexagon is said to be angularly annelated if the hexagon is adjacent to exactly two other hexagons and possesses two adjacent vertices of degree 2. Fibonacenes possess remarkable properties related with Fibonacci numbers. Various graph properties of fibonacenes have been extensively studied, such as their saturation numbers, independence numbers and Wiener indices. In this paper, we show that the locating-chromatic number of any fibonacene graph is 4 and the partition dimension of such a graph is 3.


fibonacenes; locating-chromatic number; partition dimension

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